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 Area Properties

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Join date : 2019-12-18

Area Properties Empty
PostSubject: Area Properties   Area Properties I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 18, 2019 7:50 pm

Ring Properties Resizing - Credit: 666 BEAST 666
81152588 (3FE0)
Increase from 3FE0 to make the properties smaller.
Decrease from 3FE0 to make the properties larger.
Side Note:
The resizing resizes the backstage areas and stages as well.

Ring Properties Height - Credit: CAW Master18
These are DIFFERENT height mods for P1-P4 that if LOWERED or RAISED the ring area properties and/or backstage properties will move too.

8106B49C ---- p1
8106B55C ---- p2
8106B61C ---- p3
8106B6DC ---- p4

Ring Area Properties - Credit: CAW Master18
This can change the ring area properties around a little bit. What u do here is the following.
This example is for you to change the properties for a normal match (meaning the stuff takes place on the ring floor)

D106B49C 3F80---While P1 is at this height
8015AB4B 00xx---Surrounding Properties change

Replace xx with:
0F-Survivor Series
10-Royal Rumble Stage
11-WM2000 stage
12-Backlash Stage
13-Armageddon Stage
15-bar (with pool table)
16-parking lot (with truck)
17-boiler room
18-locker room (with table there)

To use the above to make a match, say a Junkyard match for instance:

8106B45C 3F80 - P1's New height is 3F80 *1
D106B45C 3F80 - When P1's height is 3F80
8015AB4B 0016 - Ring area becomes size of the parking lot *2

*1 - actually doesnt move, but it will change the default from 0000
*2 -This will ELIMINATE ring area properties (steps, ring, and table)

Then go make the graphics. Add cars on the left, stack some, make about 20 or so total in the area, u have ur new boundaries from the code above.

Another example of useage:
Cage Climbing For Player 1 - Credit: CAW Master18

D1064880 2008
8115AF32 0400
D115AFB0 43D9
8115AF32 0001
D115AFB0 43D9
8106B49C 43E0
D106B49C 43E0
8115AFB0 42B4

D1064880 2008-When Player one presses Z + up c
8115AF32 0400-P1 begins to climb
D115AFB0 43D9-When P1 reaches this height
8115AF32 0001-He acts as he is in the ring/stops climbing
D115AFB0 43D9-Also when P1 reachs this height
8106B49C 43E0-His "Placement" Height is 43E0
D106B49C 43E0-When P1's "Placement" Height is 43E0
8115AFB0 42B4-His Normal height is changed to ring level

In depth line analysis:
Line 1
D1064880 2008
This is the 16 bit button activator.

Line 2
8115AF32 0400
This address changes the 'broad player location' of P1, from being in the ring, to climbing.

Line 3
D115AFB0 43D9
THis is an activator for when Player one reaches the height of 43D9. This height is right when he starts to 'step over' the cage during a cage match.

Line 4
8115AF32 0001
When he reached height '43D9', his 'broad player location' return back as he is in the ring.

Line 5
D115AFB0 43D9
This is an activator for when Player one reaches the height of 43D9. This height is right when he starts to 'step over' the cage during a cage match.

Line 6
8106B49C 43E0
When he reached height '43D9', his 'properties' height is changed to 43E0.

Why is it changed to 43E0?
Well if u change the default of that address, WHILE player one is in the ring and NO OTHER height mods have been made, then he will be at the cage top level. Find THIS height before making the rest of the code.

Line 7
D106B49C 43E0
This is an activator for when Player one reaches the 'properties' height of 43E0. This is the height of Player 1 on top of the cage IF his default value for his height mod is 42B4.

Line 8
8115AFB0 42B4
When he reached 'properties' height '43E0', His default height returns to 42B4, leaving him on top of the cage, but also moving the ring and ring area properties up as well.


Anyways, this is how you do it.

First go to the addy 8006B49C

8006B498 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

You will see it's default is 0000.
To move the player up, change this value to 3F80. Then to move higher, add to it (4000, 4100, 4200,...) until Player 1 reaches the desired height. Then write down the code.(ill use the Cage top example). To move the player down, change the default from 0000

8006B498 00 00 00 00 43 E0 00 00

8106B49C 43E0

Then, change it back to 0000 and go to this address

8015AFB0 42 B4 00 00 C3 00 E3 CE
(what is in italics above is used for example, and not always those values)

Then change the default 42B4, untill it corresponds with the first height.
8015AFB0 43 D9 00 00 C3 00 E3 CE

8115AFB0 43D9

Now you have 2 codes out.
8106B49C 43E0
8115AFB0 43D9

Now to make this work, this is what you do ALWAYS
First address is the changed height in the 8115__ area
with an activator

D115AFB0 43D9

The second will be the other height address

D115AFB0 43D9
8106B49C 43E0

The third will be the same as the above, but with an activator

D115AFB0 43D9
8106B49C 43E0
D106B49C 43E0

The last of this will be the DEFAULT height for the 8115__ addys.

D115AFB0 43D9
8106B49C 43E0
D106B49C 43E0
8115AFB0 42B4
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