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 Last Broad Action Performed

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Philbo Baggins
Philbo Baggins

Posts : 154
Reputation : 3
Join date : 2019-12-18

Last Broad Action Performed Empty
PostSubject: Last Broad Action Performed   Last Broad Action Performed I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 18, 2019 3:02 pm

This tells the game the PREVIOUS broad action mod you have performed, not the current one.

Last Broad Action Mod Performed Players 1-4:


00 Arm Injury
01 Just stands
02 Going around corner(turnbuckle)
03 run
04 into ropes
05 bump chest
06 roll
07 running attack b
08 run
09 rope hold avoid attack
0A climb top ropes
0B toss opponant into ropes
0C falls on face (runs into ropes)
0d Freeze(don't use)
0e nothing
0f Freeze
10 nothing
11 Throw head into cage right side
12 nothing
13 Throw head into cage left side
14 nothing
15 Bump into stepps
16 Knock out Sell (or bump into wall)
17 Hang in ropes
18 Into Turnbuckle position
19 Turnbuckle counter (putting on the breaks)
1a Turnbuckle counter (boot)
1B taunt
1c Turnbuckle taunt
1d Laying on the ground (irish wip)
1e run
1f Apron attack (to ring)
20 Apron attack (to outside)
21 Apron attack ( to other player)
22 normal punch/kick
23 stong punch/kick
24 Irish wip strike
25 Duck strike
26 weapon swing
27 run
28 Running with weapon
29 stomp
2a running ground attack face up
2b low kick
2c same
2d Sell p2
2e Knock out sell into knock out
2f Blood sell
30 Get up from laying
31 lay on back
32 dizzy recovery
33 shaking head(dizzy)
34 In tree of woe
35 take big hit\Hanging in ropes
36 Turning player on the ground
37 nothing
38 Pulling player up
39 fall off corner ropes
3a Letting go off grapple
3b nothing
3c ?
3d nothing
3E hang opponant upside down
3f nothing
40 pull down action
41 arms out taunt
42 ground pin
43 nothing
44 Strong Clothesline sell
45 pin count 1
46 giving ground grapple
47 submission
48 giving submission (in repeating)
49 recieving ground grapple
4a submission
4b makes move pin
4c weak strike sell
4d Blocking chest ani
4e Falling down getting up
4f Falling down getting up slowly
50 weak grapple
51 strong grapple
52 recieving grapple
53 freeze
54 freeze
55 Performing grappling move
56 taking a grappling move
57 freeze
58 freeze
59 freeze
5a repeating stuff
5b giving irish whip grapple
5c taking irish whip move
5d nothing
5e nothing
5f nothing
60 nothing
61 ground attack\stomp
62 running ground attack
63 ground attack sell into losing it
64 counter strike
65 nothinig
66 walking with weapon
67 double dragon screw
68 evasion
69 ?
6a into grabbing leg counter
6b stepping backwards
6c nothing
6d stepping out the ring
6E climb out of ring
6f Apron Climb into ring
70 Falling through ropes
71 Running Diving Attack
72 Diving Attack
73 Rope Inside Attack
74 Turnbuckle Inside Attack
75 Elbow from Apron
76 Running Apron Attack
77 Evasion
78 To Ropes
79 Repeating
7a Repeating
7b Repeating
7c Repeating
7D Repeating
7e walking towards cage
7f Holding p2 for striking p3
80 p2 in holding
81 doomsday d setup
82 in doomsday d setup
83 chop
84 chop
85 Head trust
86 pulling out the ring
87 beeing pulled out the ring
88 Back Grapple TB counter
89 Getting weapon from ground
8a Getting weapon from ground
8b Drop weapon
8c Getting weapon but nothing
8d ?
8e ?
8f Taunting with weapon
90 grapping weapon from p2
91 grapping weapon form table
92 nothing
93 making a tag p1
94 making a tag p2
95 tag match apron taunt
96 walking towards tag partner
97 ?
98 Facing somebody else
99 rolling out the ring(rumble Elimination)
9a Sliding out the ring (freezes)
9b Sliding into the ring (freezes)
9c Pulling someone out the ring
9d Beeing pulled out of the ring
9e jumping over somebody on the ground
9f jumping over somebody on the ground (running)
a0 Fake diving\front running grapple
a1 Receiving
a2 freezes
a3 royal rumble timer
a4 walking to ring
a5 running
a6 1 hand by ground 1 up (ref ani)
a7 animation 001
a8 ref action (counting)
a9 ref action (ring the bell)
aa freezes
ab stepping of cage repeating
ac climbing on cage repeating
ad climbing of cage repeating
ae on cage
af stepping on ladder
b0 stepping of ladder
b1 hanging on ladder
b2 freezes
b3 falls of ladder
b4 pulling of ladder repeating
b5 falling on the ground
b6 stepping on the ground
b7 punching on ladder
b8 climbing turnbuckle
b9 on apron
ba punching on top of ladder
bb raking on top of ladder
bc falling of ladder
bd grapping title
be winning
bf kicking of table
c0 axe handle of table
c1 almost falling of table
c2 throwing opponent out the ring
c3 reveiving
c4 climbing top of cage dificult
c5 climbing over and to the ground
c6 climbing on cage
c7 falling of cage
c8 chaking cage
c9 punching opp on cage
ca ?
cb strong attack against cage
cc kicking of cage
cd pulling of cage
ce falling of cage
cf elbow of cage
d0 throwing opp backstage
d1 receiving
d2 chair shot
d3 freezes
fe getting up groggy

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